
Before the Surgery

If you decide to undergo surgery, we will help you to plan everything meticulously, e.g. suitability for surgery, registration in the sanatorium, insurance coverage or cost estimate for private patients, physiotherapy which you will need after the surgery, etc. The registration of the rehabilitation stay is taken over by my practice and optimised in terms of time. In the week before the surgery I inform my patients in detail about the upcoming surgery. After this written and oral information, the inpatient admission to the sanatorium takes place. On the evening before the surgery I answer any questions during a first round and make appropriate preparations for the procedure.

Surgery and Inpatient Stay

Needless to say, I am also at your disposal after the surgery and during your stay in the sanatorium. Postsurgical care is just as important to me as the procedure itself. Therefore, I like to visit my patients personally in order to witness myself their recovery progress. During your stay at the clinic, I will visit at least once a day, but if necessary, I can also be contacted at any time by phone via the private clinic. This degree of control and accessibility guarantees the good quality of my work. As a rule, the inpatient stay ends after about ten days after the implantation of an artificial joint. At this time there exists a good independent mobility.

Postsurgical Pain

By combining a gentle minimally invasive surgical technique with modern pain therapy, postsurgical pain is optimally reduced. In addition to a basic medication of painkillers, which is administered automatically, there is also a need medication, which is available to the patient around the clock in the event of emerging symptoms. At the end of the procedure, a local anaesthetic is also administered to the wound area, which further reduces follow-up discomfort. This procedure reduces the need for painkillers throughout the postsurgical phase and thus ensures a better function of the treated joint.

Postsurgical Mobilisation

In the case of surgical procedures on the leg, my patients are already mobilised again from the day of the surgery. Daily physiotherapy and special measures such as gait training and lymph drainage support the recovery of the affected joint. My patients are well mobile at the time of discharge and are able to e.g. master stairs without major problems.

After the Surgery

Postsurgical Care at Home

As part of inpatient physiotherapy, my patients are prepared for everyday life at home and mobilised according to optimal treatment concepts. This special training makes it easier for the patients to enter the regular daily routine, which in turn also helps them to cope with their usual tasks. If a patient is single or does not trust themselves and their partner with this situation, there are possibilities for temporary care. This care is to be arranged individually, therefore I gladly organise all necessary measures in consultation with my patients.

Postsurgical Physiotherapy

It is essential that physiotherapeutic care and physical therapy begin immediately after discharge from hospital care. This is guaranteed and covered for my Graz patients by my outpatient clinic in Hans-Sachs-Gasse 1 in a special way and quality. There I am in constant contact with my therapists and my patients are treated according to the latest concepts of early rehabilitation. In most cases, inpatient rehabilitation is no longer necessary afterwards and can be cancelled because we always organise this optionally.


In my practice, a rehabilitation stay is already reserved for my patients when the surgery appointment is made. This service guarantees admission to a rehabilitation clinic at the optimal time. The necessary appointment details are discussed together with the patients and fixed by me with the appropriate rehabilitation clinic. A rehabilitation stay usually lasts three weeks.


I see regular check-ups as quality assurance for my patients. This is why routine examinations are particularly important in my practice. The first check-ups are already planned with you when you register for the surgery. Further checks are carried out three to six months after the procedure. Afterwards I ask my patients to come to my practice once a year for a check-up. If necessary, individual checks can also be arranged. Should an acute problem arise, a check-up in my practice is possible at any time and on short notice.


Appointment by Phone

For an appointment in our practice, you can contact us at the following number.

Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 2pm
Friday: 8am – 12pm